Home sweet home

After 21,970 kilometres, 122 nights, 59 different overnight stops, 2 kids, a camper and a kickarse mum have finally made it home. While Miss7 was happy to be home to see her Daddy, Master14 and I could have easily stayed on the road longer.
We spent our final night on the road in Horsham with a long lunch stopover in Ballarat and the back roads back home to avoid anything remotely city-like. A fairly uneventful home-coming the kids were picked up within half an hour of arriving home and I’m left wondering what’s next for the kickarse mum?

Without the open road and living in a camper am I still a kickarse mum? Determined to continue earning the title, I’m back ‘home’ with a fresh perspective on life and a determination to take more control over my own destiny, move away from people and places that take me for granted, give myself to those people and causes that I am most passionate about and slow down to enjoy all that life has to offer.

But first, I need the motivation to clean the camper! I hope to be able to afford to keep the camper, do some repairs and renovations to it so that we can get out on the road again. With a list of places we want to go back to, places around Victoria that we’re yet to discover and a host of short weekends away on the wish list – there’s still plenty of opportunities to keep 2 kids, a camper and a kickarse mum out and about in the great Australian outdoors. Watch this space…

Until then I’ll go from choosing between one of three tshirts, shorts or jeans and thongs or runners – back to the corporate wardrobe choices with the jeans to look forward to on weekends (which also means I need to keep track of days again!).  

4 thoughts on “Home sweet home

  1. helen says:

    Good on you kick arse mumma! Have really enjoyed following your travels around Oz. Memories your kids will cherish for years to come….and obvious confidence and inner strength you have shown and gained more of throughout the trip. You’ve got guts, balls and some serious courage. Lots of respect to you lady. X

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